From March 2025, I will only be working on Mondays.
I am heading towards retirement, so I will not be taking on any new clients / patients from this point.
I would like to take this opportunity to Thank You for the opportunity to support you during my 30 year career in Osteopathy.
Contact details
Louise Beland is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues (www.ico.org.uk), and in compliance with the new Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) due in May 2018 procedures have been taken to further improve the information you share with Louise during consultations and assessments.
As a registered Osteopath, Louise is required by the General Osteopathic Council’s Code of Conduct to respect people’s right to privacy and confidentiality. This notice explains what information we collect from you and why, how long it is stored, how you can access it, and under what circumstance this information may be shared.
You have the right to complain to the ICO if you are not happy with any aspect of how we collect and use your data. Please contact us first if you have a complaint so we can try to resolve it beforehand.
This privacy notice does not cover all sites that can be accessed via this site, so you should always be aware when you are moving to another site to read the privacy statement on that site too.
If you have any questions, please contact me in writing at the address above.
How do I collect data
Information is obtained from you when you get in contact; this may be through phone, text, e-mail, and at your visit.
I work on my own, and I will ask for your basic details and contact information, and I take the comprehensive details of your medical history.
What information is collected and how is it stored
I am required to keep clear and accurate records relevant to my practice. This is to enable me to contact you and to provide ongoing continuity of care. I also take personal information about you or your child including date of birth, address, phone numbers, email address, GP details etc.
These records also include summaries of our consultations and treatments. I will use a paper record card for personal information relevant to the issue you are seeing me about.
I require consent for processing sensitive data (medical information) and will request that you sign consent for this.
For any type of treatment, I can write a letter for your GP if you require it; these documents are stored electronically and are password protected. All paper documents are kept in a lockable cabinet in my home. My mobile is protected by password. For appointment bookings I use an electronic calendar (Google) to hold: name, contact details, email address.
What I do with your information
Internal record keeping.
It is necessary by law to keep some basic information for 6 years after they cease being clients, for tax purposes.
It is necessary by law to hold medical records on children for 25 years. After 25 years, the records are securely destroyed.
It is important that the information we hold about you is accurate and up to date, so please let us know, by email, if your personal information changes.
I may contact you for the purposes of follow up, feedback, and research. You have a choice to allow/not allow this.
Who has access to your information?
I do not subscribe you to any mailing lists. I will never share your information with any third parties unless required by law or we have discussed this and you have given your permission – except: Should I have safeguarding concerns, or relating to the welfare of an infant or adult I believe to be "at risk" to self or others, or health complications out of my sphere of practice, I may contact other professionals for additional intervention, thus breaching confidentiality.
Online personal information
The only personal information used on my website are testimonials; these are requested via email and you have a choice whether to provide or not, and to remove at any time.
Retrieving your own information
If you would like a copy of your records I can photocopy these for you and we can arrange a time for you to collect them – this will be free of charge.
Data Protection related complaint
The ICO is the regulator of the GDPR and complaints should be forwarded to them if it is related to a breech in data collection or record keeping. Louise Beland Osteopath is registered with the ICO, registration reference Z2935776. Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
From March 2025, I will only be working on Mondays.
I am heading towards retirement, so I will not be taking on any new clients / patients from this point.
I would like to take this opportunity to Thank You for the opportunity to support you during my 30 year career in Osteopathy.
Contact details
Louise Beland is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues (www.ico.org.uk), and in compliance with the new Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) due in May 2018 procedures have been taken to further improve the information you share with Louise during consultations and assessments.
As a registered Osteopath, Louise is required by the General Osteopathic Council’s Code of Conduct to respect people’s right to privacy and confidentiality. This notice explains what information we collect from you and why, how long it is stored, how you can access it, and under what circumstance this information may be shared.
You have the right to complain to the ICO if you are not happy with any aspect of how we collect and use your data. Please contact us first if you have a complaint so we can try to resolve it beforehand.
This privacy notice does not cover all sites that can be accessed via this site, so you should always be aware when you are moving to another site to read the privacy statement on that site too.
If you have any questions, please contact me in writing at the address above.
How do I collect data
Information is obtained from you when you get in contact; this may be through phone, text, e-mail, and at your visit.
I work on my own, and I will ask for your basic details and contact information, and I take the comprehensive details of your medical history.
What information is collected and how is it stored
I am required to keep clear and accurate records relevant to my practice. This is to enable me to contact you and to provide ongoing continuity of care. I also take personal information about you or your child including date of birth, address, phone numbers, email address, GP details etc.
These records also include summaries of our consultations and treatments. I will use a paper record card for personal information relevant to the issue you are seeing me about.
I require consent for processing sensitive data (medical information) and will request that you sign consent for this.
For any type of treatment, I can write a letter for your GP if you require it; these documents are stored electronically and are password protected. All paper documents are kept in a lockable cabinet in my home. My mobile is protected by password. For appointment bookings I use an electronic calendar (Google) to hold: name, contact details, email address.
What I do with your information
Internal record keeping.
It is necessary by law to keep some basic information for 6 years after they cease being clients, for tax purposes.
It is necessary by law to hold medical records on children for 25 years. After 25 years, the records are securely destroyed.
It is important that the information we hold about you is accurate and up to date, so please let us know, by email, if your personal information changes.
I may contact you for the purposes of follow up, feedback, and research. You have a choice to allow/not allow this.
Who has access to your information?
I do not subscribe you to any mailing lists. I will never share your information with any third parties unless required by law or we have discussed this and you have given your permission – except: Should I have safeguarding concerns, or relating to the welfare of an infant or adult I believe to be "at risk" to self or others, or health complications out of my sphere of practice, I may contact other professionals for additional intervention, thus breaching confidentiality.
Online personal information
The only personal information used on my website are testimonials; these are requested via email and you have a choice whether to provide or not, and to remove at any time.
Retrieving your own information
If you would like a copy of your records I can photocopy these for you and we can arrange a time for you to collect them – this will be free of charge.
Data Protection related complaint
The ICO is the regulator of the GDPR and complaints should be forwarded to them if it is related to a breech in data collection or record keeping. Louise Beland Osteopath is registered with the ICO, registration reference Z2935776. Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF